Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Don't Mind If I Do

Pretty sure it was not the first time I have heard this saying but for some reason I never thought about what it really meant  or when/how does one use this saying. And for some unknown reason, I hear it in my head with a Southern accent. :)

According to the Cambridge Dictionary Online, it's a polite way to accept food and drinks that are offered to you, as in "I don't mind if I do." That's still a very strange saying, if one is offered (free) food / drinks, why would one mind?

After reading the explanation, now I am hearing it in my head with a British accent. LOL

Friday, November 8, 2013


Back pedal.. not back paddle.Difference between walking and rowing a boat?

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Calling "Dibs"

It's "I call dibs".. not "I call dips". Like that ice cream nuggets. I thought "dips" make sense too, like "dipping" into good stuff, i.e. honey.

Saturday, November 2, 2013